對於正在閱覽本公司的您而言,除了確保獲利的提高之外,我們深知 更重要的 就是我們是否能為您 提供品質的高度信賴與技術的高度穩定。
本公司由數十名身懷絕技的工程人員ESD技術團隊,由姜信欽博士領軍 , 姜博士多年來專注於ESD Protection Design, Semiconductor Device Physics, Analog IC Design等領域, 除此之外,姜博士個人擁有 54 U.S. patents, 48 ROC (Taiwan) patents 及公開發表 4篇 IEEE Journal papers and 20 篇 International Conference papers. 曾任台灣靜電防護工程學會理事長(2006~2009)。
除了姜博士外,本公司技術團隊還擁有超過百項U.S. patents and ROC (Taiwan) patents. 也發表 20篇 Journal papers 和超過50篇 International Conference papers。
On-Chip ESD Protection Design Technologies
Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS) Design Technologies (Such as the events of ESD, EFT, Surge, and Cable Discharge)
Interface IC’s Design Technologies Integrated with System Level ESD Protection Technologies (Such as Transceivers, Switches, Amplifiers)
Consultation of ESD Control and ESD Audit for manufacturing factory

柯明道 教授
B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees from the Department/Institute of Electronics Engineering, National Chiao-Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, R.O.C., in 1986, 1988, and 1993, respectively.
He served the VLSI Design Department of the Computer and Communication Research Laboratories (CCL), Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI), Taiwan, from 1994 to 1999.
He returned to the Department of Electronics Engineering, National Chiao-Tung University to be Assistant Professor in 1999. Since 2004, he has been promoted to be a Full Professor. Currently, he has been the Distinguished Professor (特聘教授) in the Department of Electronics Engineering, National Chiao-Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan
During 2008 ~ 2011, he was rotated to be a Chair Professor (講座教授) and the Vice President (研究副校長) of I-Shou University (義守大學), Kaohsiung, Taiwan. During 2012 ~ 2015, he has been the Dean (院長) of the College of Photonics (光電學院), National Chiao-Tung University (NCTU), Taiwan.
He ever served as the Executive Director (執行長) of National Science and Technology Program on System-on-Chip (晶片系統國家型科技計畫) in Taiwan during 2010 ~ 2011; and the Executive Director (執行長) of National Science and Technology Program on Nano Technology (奈米國家型科技計畫) in Taiwan (2011 ~ 2015). Since 2014, Prof. Ker has been the leader to chair 科技部「ESD產學聯盟」, where 30 companies of IC design and/or semiconductors manufacturing joined as members.
Now, he is also serving as the Director (主任) of the Biomedical Electronics Translational Research Center (生醫電子轉譯研究中心/醫療電子系統實驗室) in NCTU to lead some biomedical electronics translational projects.
In the technical field of ESD protection and reliability design for microelectronic circuits and systems, he has published over 500 technical papers in international journals and conferences. He has proposed many solutions to improve the reliability and quality of integrated circuits and systems, which have been granted with 226 U.S. patents and 208 Taiwan patents.
He had been invited to teach and/or to consult the reliability and quality design for integrated circuits by hundreds of design houses and semiconductor companies in the worldwide IC industry.
Prof. Ker has served as member of the Technical Program Committee and the Session Chair of numerous international conferences for many years. He ever served as the Associate Editor for the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VLSI SYSTEMS, 2006-2007. He was selected as the Distinguished Lecturer in the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society (2006–2007) and in the IEEE Electron Devices Society (2008–2015). He was the Founding President (創會理事長) of Taiwan ESD Association. Currently, he is the Editor of IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON DEVICE AND MATERIALS RELIABILITY.
In 2008, Prof. Ker has been elevated as an IEEE Fellow “for his contributions to the electrostatic protection in integrated circuits and the performance optimization of VLSI Microsystems”. In 2003, he was awarded as one of the "Ten Outstanding Youths Award" of R.O.C. (中華民國第四十一屆『十大傑出青年』). In 2009, he was awarded as one of the top ten Distinguished Inventors (十大傑出發明家) in Taiwan. In 2009, he was also awarded as 傑出工程教授 by Chinese Institute of Engineers (中國工程師學會). In 2015, Prof. Ker received the Award for Outstanding Science and Technology Contribution, the Executive Yuan, Taiwan (行政院傑出科技貢獻獎).

Team Leader
姜信欽 博士
M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from the Institute of Electronics, National Chiao-Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, R.O.C., in 1992, and 1998, respectively.
He served the Computer and Communication Research Laboratories (CCL) and SoC Technology Center (STC), Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI), Taiwan, from 1998 to 2002.
From 2003 to 2005, he joined in two IC design houses to develop Analog and Mixed-Signal IC products.
He has proposed many inventions to improve reliability and quality of integrated circuits, which have granted with 54 U.S. patents and 48 ROC (Taiwan) patents. He also has published 4 IEEE Journal papers and 20 International Conference papers.
His current research topics include ESD Protection Design, Analog IC Design, Analog Circuits Behavioral Modeling, Hardware Implementation of Neural Network, and Semiconductor Device Physics.
He has been elected as the President of Taiwan ESD Association from 2005 to 2009.
He has co-operated with Prof. Ming-Dou Ker in the ESD protection design field for over 20 years.